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Even more disturbing is that Windsor Essex has the highest rate of opioid prescriptions in all of Ontario. You may think this is not happening in your home town. Public Health Ontario notes that in 2018, 48 people died in Windsor Essex from opioid related deaths.. Donald Kenrick was known to have deposited a large library of print material [shelf mark BC Rom/Kenrick]. However during a cataloguing project (2017) it became clear from accession records [see B ref in alternate references] that he also deposited papers relating to the (National) Gypsy Council that had been catalogued as part of Romany (2) Collection. The decision was taken to re catalogue these items and the print material as a separate collection to reflect its unique source and related material [print items]. Most of those who want consumers to have unfettered access to raw milk insist that pasteurization destroys nutritional value. Sometimes they also assert that raw milk tastes better. Neither claim is unconditionally ...